Monday 22 June 2020

Magical Eggs

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A year ago, he found eggs deep inside a cave he’d stumbled across in Bulgaria, surrounded by a vast pile of ash from a fire that had long gone out but was still gently smoking. To protect them he first put them in his hat and carried them home and put them on a lot of pillows and blankets to keep them warm. So they could hatch safely even without their mother keeping them safe and warm.  He knew that they had the opportunity to live differently than other birds. But the old man knew he couldn't do it because he did not know how to race baby birds and It was hard and very tiring but he wanted to do it so he did. The bird was happy with him. He protected them but one when the birds were bigger a big bird came and it was their mother so the bird’s left after saying goodbye to him and flew away.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Thursday 4 June 2020