Friday, 11 December 2020

Empty Boats


If it wasn’t for the peeling paint and the faded fishing nets, you couldn’t tell these boats had years of history hidden in their beams. I looked carefully at the biggest of the boats and my mind began to wander. Who owned it? Where had it sailed too? What sort of memories were hidden amongst the ropes and nets? As I was wandering around,  I found a small notebook in one of the bouts. I looked around if anyone had lost their notebook but no one was there so I opened the notebook and there was a map and a letter with a photo on the bottom of the letter . when I was reading the letter I had a strange feeling like I was being whisked away by a gust of wind but suddenly the feeling stopped and I saw that the boat had gotten bigger and looked good as new but when I looked again there were just the old bouts. I was amazed  at what I witnessed .

The letter explained the story about the bouts. I couldn't believe that there was so much history in the old bouts.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Fatima. I like the way you started your story because you got straight to the point. You brought me back when I did my story of this. Next time, you could maybe check some of your words because there's some that are not right. How long did it take you to do this?.
    Blog you later,


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